The California Mastitis Test (CMT) is a practical and efficient method for detecting subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. It works by mixing a small amount of milk from each quarter of the cow's udder with a reagent in a paddle with four wells. The key to the CMT is the reaction between the reagent and the somatic cells present in the milk. When the cell membranes are disrupted, the DNA inside reacts with the reagent, causing a gel to form. The thickness of this gel is an indicator of the somatic cell count, which increases with infection. The test is scored on a scale from 0, indicating no reaction, to 3, which signifies a strong reaction and likely infection. This simple yet effective test helps farmers monitor the udder health of their cows and take early action to treat mastitis
Ready-to-use CMT test liquids do not require any mixing and can simplify the testing process. These solutions are designed to be simple, fast, and easy to use, providing dairy farmers with an excellent tool for early detection of mastitis, potentially saving time and resources by managing udder health more effectively.
• Chai 1 lít • Chất lỏng thử nghiệm thuốc thử CMT • Sẵn sàng để sử dụng! Không cần trộn • Đơn giản. Nhanh. Dễ sử dụng. Công cụ tuyệt vời để tìm viêm vú cận lâm sàng. • Xác định một số bệnh nhiễm trùng bầu vú trước khi có sự thay đổi rõ rệt trong sữa.