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2 products

  • Áp dụng vòng thiến bằng thép không gỉ hạng nặng

    Áp dụng vòng thiến bằng thép không gỉ hạng nặng

    The Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Castration Ring Applicator is a specialized tool designed for the castration of livestock such as goats, sheep, alpacas, and small calves. Its stainless steel construction ensures durability and longevity, making it a reliable choice for breeders. The design is slightly wider, which allows the bands to fit around larger testicles, providing versatility for different sizes of animals. It is praised for being light and comfortable to use, which is particularly beneficial for breeders with a smaller number of animals. This tool is essential for controlling breeding, managing herd behavior, and producing quality meat products. It's important to note that the applicator is used in conjunction with O-rings, which are not included with the purchase. For those in the farming industry, the castration of cattle is a significant process that impacts animal management and meat quality. It's a practice aimed at preventing unwanted breeding, reducing aggressive behavior, and ensuring the safety of both animals and handlers. The use of a quality castration tool, like the Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Castration Ring Applicator, can make this process more efficient and humane.  Light and durable, comfortable to use. Especially suitable for the breeder with small number of animals to castrate. Excellent tool suitable for castrating goats, sheep, alpacas and small calves. *O-rings not included. ‍


  • Áp dụng vòng thiến tiêu chuẩn

    Áp dụng vòng thiến tiêu chuẩn

    Mô hình này rộng hơn một chút cho phép các dải vừa vặn xung quanh tinh hoàn lớn hơn Ánh sáng và tay cầm bằng nhựa bền thoải mái khi sử dụng. Đặc biệt thích hợp cho các nhà lai tạo với số lượng nhỏ động vật để thiến. Công cụ rất thỏa đáng thích hợp để thiến dê, cừu, alpacas và bê nhỏ.



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